In honor of the opening of our community, everyone who is a new member gets the "The First One" badge! this event is valid for only 4 days.

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Posts: 8
Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2024 1:28 pm


You also want to take a role in this community? You are looking at the right topic right now! #wearerecruiting. Take a look at the positions you want to apply for below. If you think that there is a position that is suitable for you, along with the form we have given you send it by e-mail to his address. Preparing the template correctly with full meaning takes you one step ahead of other applications.

Code: Select all

- IGN (In game name):
- Server (NA/EU/Ocenia/Other):
- Rank: 
- Level:
- Name: 
- Age:
- E-mail adress:
• Tell us a little about yourself:
• Do you have any experience about becoming a community authorizer?:
• Why should we put you in this position?: 
• What can you add to us?:
• What kind of things can you add to the #nbaicc community? 
when your application is accepted, you will be contacted by the authorities and invited to a small interview. After that, when it goes positive, you will be joining the team.
NOTE: You may not get a response in negative situations, but if you think the email has not reached the administration, send a PM to @Eivolon via the forum.

Open positions:
  • Global Moderation
* Actively playing the game
* Must be above 18 years old.
* To have self-control
* To know the use of the forum in the smallest detail.
* Controlling the team, being able to keep them under control.
* To be responsible.
* To fulfill the assigned responsibilities on time.
  • Sub Moderation
* Actively playing the game
* Must be above 18 years old.
* To have self-control
* To know the use of the forum in the smallest detail.
* To stay in constant contact with the players and help them.
  • Tournament Organizator
* Actively playing the game
* To know what the tournament is.
* To be able to take an activity that he started to the end.
* To be able to take responsibility for the organization.
* The fact that he is always respectful and fair to the players.
  • Content Creator
* Actively playing the game
* Needs to use the community icon in his content.
(No need for any requirements. If you have 1 follower or 1 mil. follower, its all okay to us. It's just enough to show that you're willing to do it and that you have at least 1-2 pieces of content.
  • Editor - Designer
* **FOR DESIGNER ** Have a photoshop skills. (Seriously, have the skill.)
* To know about forum coding and literature.
* That's it. We're not expecting too much.
  • Statistical specialist
* Knows mathematics and counting. (2+2=?)
* Should be able to keep statistics of the events that take place in the tournament.
* And one again, needs to know 2+2....